VSCode Playground

General debugging strategy

  • Check Discord (#announcements channel) / Github for any known issues
  • Close the playground and reopen it
  • Try reloading the entire window by pressing Ctrl + Shift + P or Cmd + Shift + P and typing Developer: Reload Window
  • Ensure your VSCode Extension for BAML is up-to-date (It should should it its up-to-date in the Extensions tab in VSCode)
  • If nothing works, please file an issue on Github, ideally with a screenshot of the error and the steps to reproduce it.

Common Issues

No code lens in BAML files

This can happen in two cases:

  1. You have syntax error in some .baml file. You can check the error in the Problems tab in VSCode or running the generate command in the terminal (See Generate)

  2. BAML extension is broken. Please try the tools above!

BAML extension is not working

Tests hanging

We’ve seen sparse repros of this, but closing the playground and reopening it should fix it.

Tests failing to run

You can debug the actual network request being made by BAML by opening developer tools:

BAML Client Generation Disabled

This means your generator clause in your BAML file is out of sync with the version of the BAML extension you have installed. See Generate for more details.