Checks and Asserts

With checks and asserts, you can set specific rules to ensure your data’s value falls within an acceptable range.

BAML provides two types of validations:

  • @assert for strict validations. If a type fails an @assert validation, it will not be returned in the response. If the failing assertion was part of the top-level type, it will raise an exception. If it’s part of a container, it will be removed from the container.
  • @check for non-exception-raising validations. Whether a @check passes or fails, the data will be returned. You can access the results of invidividual checks in the response data.


Assertions are used to guarantee properties about a type or its components in a response. They can be written directly as inline attributes next to the field definition or on the line following the field definition, or on a top-level type used in a function declaration.

Using @assert

BAML will raise an exception if a function returns a Foo where is not between 0 and 10.

If the function NextInt8 returns 128, BAML will raise an exception.

1class Foo {
2 bar int @assert(between_0_and_10, {{ this > 0 and this < 10 }}) //this = value
5function NextInt8(a: int) -> int @assert(ok_int8, {{ this >= -128 and this < 127 }}) {
6 client GPT4
7 prompt #"Return the number after {{ a }}"#

Asserts may be applied to a whole class via @@assert.

1class Bar {
2 baz int
3 quux string
4 @@assert(length_limit, {{ this.quux|length < this.baz }})

Using @assert with Union Types

Note that when using Unions, it is crucial to specify where the @assert attribute is applied within the union type, as it is not known until runtime which type the value will be.

1class Foo {
2 bar (int @assert(positive, {{ this > 0 }}) | bool @assert(is_true, {{ this }}))

In the above example, the @assert attribute is applied specifically to the int and string instances of the Union, rather than to the field as a whole.

Likewise, the keyword this refers to the value of the type instance it is directly associated with (e.g., int or string).

Chaining Assertions

You can have multiple assertions on a single field by chaining multiple @assert attributes.

In this example, the asserts on bar and baz are equivalent.

1class Foo {
2 bar int @assert(between_0_and_10, {{ this > 0 and this < 10 }})
3 baz int @assert(positive, {{ this > 0 }}) @assert(less_than_10, {{ this < 10 }})

Chained asserts are evaluated in order from left to right. If the first assert fails, the second assert will not be evaluated.

Writing Assertions

Assertions are represented as Jinja expressions and can be used to validate various types of data. Possible constraints include checking the length of a string, comparing two values, or verifying the presence of a substring with regular expressions.

In the future, we plan to support shorthand syntax for common assertions to make writing them easier.

For now, see our Jinja cookbook / guide or the Minijinja filters docs for more information on writing expressions.

Expression keywords

  • this refers to the value of the current field being validated.

this.field is used to refer to a specific field within the context of this. Access nested fields of a data type by chaining the field names together with a . as shown below.

1class Resume {
2 name string
3 experience string[]
7class Person {
8 resume Resume @assert({{ this.experience|length > 0 }}, "Nonzero experience")
9 person_name name

Assertion Errors

When asserts fail, your BAML function will raise a BamlValidationError exception, same as when parsing fails. You can catch this exception and handle it as you see fit.

You can define custom names for each assertion, which will be included in the exception for that failure case. If you don’t define a custom name, BAML will display the body of the assert expression.

In this example, if the quote field is empty, BAML raises a BamlValidationError with the message “exact_citation_not_found”. If the website_link field does not contain “https://”, it raises a BamlValidationError with the message invalid_link.

1class Citation {
2 //@assert(<name>, <expr>)
3 quote string @assert(exact_citation_found,
4 {{ this|length > 0 }}
5 )
7 website_link string @assert(valid_link,
8 {{ this|regex_match("https://") }}
9 )
1from baml_client import b
2from baml_client.types import Citation
4def main():
5 try:
6 citation: Citation = b.GetCitation("SpaceX, is an American spacecraft manufacturer, launch service provider...")
8 # Access the value of the quote field
9 quote = citation.quote
10 website_link = citation.website_link
11 print(f"Quote: {quote} from {website_link}")
13 except BamlValidationError as e:
14 print(f"Validation error: {str(e)}")
15 except Exception as e:
16 print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}")


@check attributes add validation without raising exceptions if they fail. Types with @check attributes allow the checks to be inspected at runtime.

1( bar int @check(less_than_zero, {{ this < 0 }}) )[]
1List[Checked[int, Dict[Literal["less_than_zero"]]]]

The following example uses both @check and @assert. If line_number fails its @assert, no Citation will be returned by GetCitation(). However, exact_citation_not_found can fail without interrupting the result. Because it was a @check, client code can inspect the result of the check.

1class Citation {
2 quote string @check(
3 exact_citation_match,
4 {{ this|length > 0 }}
5 )
6 line_number string @assert(
7 has_line_number,
8 {{ this|length >= 0 }}
9 )
12function GetCitation(full_text: string) -> Citation {
13 client GPT4
14 prompt #"
15 Generate a citation of the text below in MLA format:
16 {{full_text}}
18 {{ctx.output_format}}
19 "#
1from baml_client import b
2from baml_client.types import Citation, get_checks
4def main():
5 citation = b.GetCitation("SpaceX, is an American spacecraft manufacturer, launch service provider...")
7 # Access the value of the quote field
8 quote = citation.quote.value
9 print(f"Quote: {quote}")
11 # Access a particular check.
12 quote_match_check = citation.quote.checks['exact_citation_match'].status
13 print(f"Citation match status: {quote_match_check})")
15 # Access each check and its status.
16 for check in get_checks(citation.quote.checks):
17 print(f"Check {}: {check.status}")

You can also chain multiple @check and @assert attributes on a single field.

1class Foo {
2 bar string @check(bar_nonempty, {{ this|length > 0 }})
3 @assert(bar_no_foo, {{ this|contains("foo") }})
4 @check(bar_no_fizzle, {{ this|contains("fizzle") }})
5 @assert(bar_no_baz, {{ this|contains("baz") }})
When using @check, all checks on the response data are evaluated even if one fails. In contrast, with @assert, a failure will stop the parsing process and immediately raise an exception.

Advanced Example

The following example shows more complex minijinja expressions, see the Minijinja filters docs for more information on available operators to use in your assertions.

The Book and Library classes below demonstrate how to validate a book’s title, author, ISBN, publication year, genres, and a library’s name and books. The block-level assertion in the Library class ensures that all books have unique ISBNs.

1class Book {
2 title string @assert(this|length > 0)
3 author string @assert(this|length > 0)
4 isbn string @assert(
5 {{ this|regex_match("^(97(8|9))?\d{9}(\d|X)$") }},
6 "Invalid ISBN format"
7 )
8 publication_year int @assert(valid_pub_year, {{ 1000 <= this <= 2100 }})
9 genres string[] @assert(valid_length, {{ 1 <= this|length <= 10 }})
12class Library {
13 name string
14 books Book[] @assert(nonempty_books, {{ this|length > 0 }})
15 @assert(unique_isbn, {{ this|map(attribute='isbn')|unique()|length == this|length }} )

In this example, we use a block-level @@assert to check a dependency across a pair of fields.

1class Person {
2 name string @assert(valid_name, {{ this|length >= 2 }})
3 age int @assert(valid_age, {{ this >= 0 }})
4 address Address
6 @@assert(not_usa_minor, {{
7 this.age >= 18 or != "USA",
8 }})
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