Image values to BAML functions can be created in client libraries. This document explains how to use these functions both at compile time and runtime to handle image data. For more details, refer to image types.
Usage Examples
Static Methods
Creates an Image object from a URL. Optionally specify the media type, otherwise it will be inferred from the URL.
Creates an Image object using Base64 encoded data along with the given MIME type.
Instance Methods
Check if the image is stored as a URL.
Get the URL of the image if it’s stored as a URL. Throws an Error if the image is not stored as a URL.
Get the base64 data and media type if the image is stored as base64. Returns [base64Data, mediaType]. Throws an Error if the image is not stored as base64.
Convert the image to a JSON representation. Returns either a URL object or a base64 object with media type.