
The serve command starts a BAML-over-HTTP API server that exposes your BAML functions via HTTP endpoints. This feature allows you to interact with your BAML functions through a RESTful API interface.

Warning: Preview Feature

  1. You must include the --preview flag when running the dev command.
  2. Be aware that this feature is still being stabilized and may change in future releases.


baml-cli serve [OPTIONS] --preview

If you’re actively developing, you can use the dev command to include hotreload functionality:

baml-cli dev [OPTIONS] --preview

See more


--from <PATH>Path to the baml_src directory./baml_src
--port <PORT>Port to expose BAML on2024
--no-version-checkGenerate baml_client without checking for version mismatchfalse
--previewEnable the preview feature


The serve command performs the following actions:

  1. Exposes BAML functions as HTTP endpoints on the specified port.
  2. Provides authentication middleware for secure access.


  • POST /call/:function_name: Call a BAML function


  • GET /docs: Interactive API documentation (Swagger UI)
  • GET /openapi.json: OpenAPI specification for the BAML functions
  • GET /_debug/ping: Health check endpoint
  • GET /_debug/status: Server status and authentication check


We support the header: x-baml-api-key

Set the BAML_PASSWORD environment variable to enable authentication.


  1. Start the server with default settings:

    baml-cli serve --preview
  2. Start the server with a custom source directory and port:

    baml-cli serve --from /path/to/my/baml_src --port 3000 --preview


To test the server, you can use the following curl commands:

  1. Check if the server is running:

    $curl http://localhost:2024/_debug/ping
  2. Call a function:

    $curl -X POST http://localhost:2024/call/MyFunctionName -d '{"arg1": "value1", "arg2": "value2"}'
    API Key
    $ curl -X POST http://localhost:2024/call/MyFunctionName -H "x-baml-api-key: ${BAML_PASSWORD}" -d '{"arg1": "value1", "arg2": "value2"}'
  3. Access the API documentation: Open http://localhost:2024/docs in your web browser.